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The PhD IMEG in Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering offers 5 main curricula.
1. EG: Economics and Management
2. FT: Technical Physics
3. MMM: Mechanics, Measurements and Materials
4. RM: Robotics and Mechatronics (international curriculum)
5. TI: Technologies and Plants
More Information about Ph.D. rules at the University of Genova can be found at this link.

Economics and Management (EG)

Technical Physics (FT)

Curriculum TI Technologies and Plants

Economics and Management (EG)

We combine creativity, knowledge and analytical tools to complete the task of shaping an idea into reality.

We analyze and solve complex problems related to the production, conversion and storage of energy.

We solve issues in the technical, economic and managerial fields, in order to successfully manage product and service innovations.
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