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Training activities

General remarks


Students are required to collect 30 CFU per year & 180 CFU in total. Structured training activities include attending classes, national and/or international schools on advanced topics, workshops.

The number of Credits from UNIGE (CFUs) to be obtained is distributed as follows:


  • Structured training activities: minimum 30CFUs

  • Lab activities, research and publication of the results: up to 120CFUs

  • PhD thesis development, writing, reviewing and defence: up to 30CFUs


All activities must be planned in agreement with the Tutor.


Structured training activities: minimum 30CFUs


Structured training activities belong to the following typologies, giving the acknowledgement of an amount of CFUs as shown below:

  • PhD courses, specifically offered by the PhD Program in Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, where 1 CFU corresponds to 3 hours of course.

  • PhD courses issued by other Doctorate Schools, if relevant to the student's research subject, where 1 CFU=3 hours, subjected to the approval of the PhD Coordinator.

  • Courses that are part of one of the M.Sc. programs (Corsi di Laurea Magistrale) offered at the University of Genova, in agreement with the Tutor and with the approval of the PhD Coordinator. Given CFUs are those reported for the course on the official University website.

  • PhD Schools. 3 CFUs can be assigned for every day of the school, or 1 CFU each 3 hours of school/workshop, up to a maximum of 15 CFUs per school/workshop. PhD Schools must be approved by the PhD Coordinator. A certificate of attendance of the school must be presented for the CFUs to be assigned.

CFU conversion table for Structured Training Activities (30 CFU mandatory)

Lab activities, research and publication of the results: up to 120CFUs


  • Research, Lab Activities and Dissemination belong to the following typologies

  • Research activity, in terms of attended seminars, advanced training courses, participation (as listener or speaker) to Scientific Meeting, Workshops, Conferences;

  • Mobility periods abroad, either long or short term;

  • Publications (only published or accepted papers are considered);

  • Lab activities - co-supervision of student, as agreed with the Tutor.

CFU conversion table for Lab activities, research and publication of the results

PhD IMEG Courses offer


PhD courses constitute a third-level University education process which differs from the former two, Bachelor’s and the Master’s ones, in that they are specifically oriented to the development of research-oriented competences and skills. This implies on the one way an interdisciplinary approach, on the other an attitude to looking for new solutions, rather than the acquisition of the current ones, that should be criticized rather than uncritically adopted. This is in line with initial historical missions of the Universities that were basically consortia of students and teachers, looking together to know solutions for unsolved problems.


The Courses offered are listed below and a brief description of each of them is also provided in the following. The list of the courses offered may vary over the years, as well as their detailed programme.

CFU conversion table for Lab activities, research and publication of the results

The Courses will be provided in Mixed Modality (physical + virtual). Virtual Meetings are offered through the online platform MS Teams (code: ijlbqrn). Each course is provided every two years.


Click below to download the content and period of the above listed courses. As for exact schedule/location of the course, students are required to get in touch with the lecturer.



Dottorato in Ingegneria meccanica, energetica e gestionale
Università degli Studi di Genova
DIME - Via all'Opera Pia 15A
VAT IT00754150100
© 2022 by PhD IMEG
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